Quantum Warfare Heats Up with Super-Sensitive Sensors

Image Source: The Royal Navy

During conflicts, military forces might lose access to GPS satellites. This would cripple their ability to track their position and movement (PNT). Ships, submarines, and airplanes would have to rely on other technologies for navigation, primarily inertial navigation systems. However, traditional inertial navigation systems, like gyroscopes and accelerometers, become inaccurate over time. Without GPS to recalibrate them, they wouldn’t be reliable for long missions.

A new technology called quantum sensing offers a solution. It can significantly improve the accuracy of inertial navigation, allowing forces to operate for extended periods without GPS. Quantum mechanics deals with the world of atoms and subatomic particles. This realm is incredibly sensitive to tiny environmental changes invisible to the naked eye. Quantum sensors exploit this sensitivity to make ultra-precise measurements far exceeding traditional methods. They’re already used in atomic clocks (including military satellites) and MRI machines. Both governments and private institutions are rapidly developing quantum inertial navigation sensors. Some could be deployed within five years.

The French Navy recently received the first mass-produced quantum sensor, a gravimeter used for underwater mapping. These sensors have the potential for navigation and submarine detection. The French defense agency is also funding research on quantum sensors for electronic warfare. These sensors, expected within five years, will allow for a wider range of electromagnetic spectrum monitoring. They could detect enemy submarines by measuring tiny variations in gravity caused by their mass.

Another French project involves quantum-based electronic warfare sensors. These use laser-cooled quantum bits to detect faint changes in the electromagnetic spectrum, including radar and communication signals. This surpasses current methods that rely on scanning different frequencies one by one.

Quantum sensors are expected to be small, lightweight, and require minimal power (SWaP). This makes them ideal for military applications. They can detect electrical, magnetic, and even gravitational fields much better than existing sensors. There are various quantum sensing technologies at different development stages. Some, like cold-atom interferometers, offer exceptional navigation precision and submarine stealth capabilities. However, they require bulky cooling systems, limiting their practicality. While quantum cryptography is crucial for secure military communication, quantum sensing offers a strategic edge for both stealthy navigation and enemy ship detection. It overcomes the traditional reliance on GPS, making navies less vulnerable to jamming. Unlike quantum cryptography, which has commercial applications, most quantum sensing technology is geared towards national security. Therefore, the government, not private companies, will likely fund its development. Several quantum sensors can enhance inertial navigation. Quantum gyroscopes use the wave properties of atoms to measure rotation. Atomic clocks rely on the predictable decay of excited atoms for accurate timing. Quantum accelerometers track the movement of supercooled atoms. All these quantum devices are self-contained and independent of GPS or other external signals. Additionally, their superior measurement accuracy allows for much longer and more reliable navigation compared to traditional systems.

The factors that determine how much money goes towards buying and developing quantum technology include how much it’s in demand, government support, collaboration between different organizations, and competition. For the quantum technology market to thrive in a particular region, there needs to be research breakthroughs, practical uses for the technology, educated consumers, investment in infrastructure, supportive regulations, collaboration across borders, and constant innovation. Regions where there’s more demand for and use of quantum technology are likely to spend more on buying it and developing new applications. Government policies and financial aid can significantly impact how much is spent on buying and developing quantum technology. Places with strong government support for technological advancement are likely to have bigger budgets for quantum technology. When universities, research centers, and businesses in a region work together, they’re more likely to have a larger budget for research and development. North America is the world leader in military applications of quantum technology, with a market size that’s much bigger than other regions and that has been growing steadily. This suggests that North America is a major player in developing and using quantum technologies for military purposes.

The militaries of countries like the United States, China, and some European countries are adopting quantum technologies because of the many advantages they offer, such as greater precision, better sensing abilities, and more powerful computing. Quantum computing has the potential to greatly benefit the military by allowing them to break encryption codes, optimize complex logistics, simulate quantum systems, and improve artificial intelligence. However, quantum computing also comes with challenges and risks, such as high costs, low reliability, ethical concerns, and the possibility of adversaries using quantum attacks. Therefore, quantum computing presents both opportunities and threats for the military. In conclusion, I believe that quantum technology has the potential to revolutionize the defense industry by providing innovative and powerful solutions to various challenges and opportunities. However, it also creates new dangers and risks, such as the possibility of quantum attacks on traditional encryption methods or a quantum arms race between rivals. Therefore, it’s crucial to invest in research and development, people and infrastructure, innovation and startups, and international cooperation in this emerging field. Quantum technologies offer unmatched computing power, secure communication capabilities, advanced sensing and detection systems, and simulation capabilities. By adopting and utilizing these technologies, the military can gain a significant advantage in terms of security, operational efficiency, and decision-making capabilities, ultimately strengthening their defenses in an increasingly complex and ever-changing world.